🫢😶My Most Embarrassing Moment😶🫢

Here is my writing

Begin writing: It was a bright sunny morning. I was getting ready to go out somewhere. I asked my mum where we were going but she didn’t tell us because it was a secret while me,mum and my brother were waiting for my sis and dad. While me and my mum and brother were waiting they were finally finished getting ready because my dad always has his clothes on the floor in my mum and dad bedroom and my sister always complains about what she is going to wear and always wants to wear my clothes because my sis has really bright colour clothes. When everybody was finished getting ready my dad locked the door and went down the old wooden stairs and hopped in the car and my dad started the car.

While we were driving away from home I could hear my brother and sister fighting all the way to wherever we were going. I smacked them so they would stop and they did. After while we had been driving for a while and I was still awake and my sis and brother were sleeping. After a few minutes we finally got there we got out of the car and the place was really big it was like a big plant place with lot of plants but when we got there it was still cold because there was lots of trees and it was really windy when we got inside there there was a cafe and but my sis asked my mum and dad if we could get a smoothie from there and hot ships but we could only get some if we went for a walk there and see what’s around this plant place when we got outside I was going to tie up my hair but I had no hair tie I asked my mum, dad, sis and brother but they didn’t have one. So while we were having our walk I was getting shy and people were getting watched. I didn’t know why a lot of people were looking at me. I was wondering why everybody was looking at me. 

When we were looking, my brother and sister were laughing while giggling at me and pointing above my head. My face was turning all warm and pink and red. It was really windy, it was really cold and I kept on talking to myself in my mind. In my mind I was like “ why is everybody looking at me’. My face was turning warmer, warmer and warmer. I was getting embarrassed to know that I am getting embarrassed when my face is getting warm and my face is turning a pinkish colour. When we got to this like tree house there was a window in there and when I looked out the window and moved back I just noticed my hair was all over my hair was crazy in my mind I said “ that’s why everybody was looking at me my hair was super crazy and my hair was all over the place on my head”. That’s why I was so embarrassed.  

And that is my most embarrassing moment in my life



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