One day while his parents were busy sorting out some stuff so they could have more room to put all of their things in their house. While the parents were sorting out their things there little boy Zack, he was only 5 years old he was so bored staying inside the house because his parents told him to stay inside the house but he didn’t listen to them so Zack the little boy sneaked out of the house without making any sound or any noises. Zack ran outside, put on his shoes, put them on and grabbed his little bicycle with him so his little legs won’t fall off his tiny body. Zack rides away far from home.
Few minutes later while Zack was still riding his little bike when Zack was still riding his bike he was wondering where am I going he stopped his little bike he said in his mind “ Where am I, I don’t know where I am going, I think i’m lost “. When Zack just noticed that is didn’t know where he was and he was lost in the middle of nowhere he started crying really really loud so if any body was around where he was he kept on crying and crying and crying, Zack was crying for 2 minutes little Zack was heartbroken he didn’t know what to do he got of his little bicycle and sated down next to his bike Zack was trying to not cry again Zack was really sad how he was lost but Zack had an idea he was going to keep on going and riding on his like bicycle until he at least finds a house or a place so Zack can ask the person so they can call Zack parents.
Zack got on his bike and started riding his bike and off he went. While Zack was riding his bicycle he ended up on a road and he said “ this might lead to my home “ I carried on riding but I stayed on the road so I know where I am going. When I was having fun on my bike for some reason I thought I saw a house at the end of the road. I thought it was somebody’s house so maybe I could go there so I could get some food and some sleep and a little bit of help. I was coming closer and closer to the house but when I was getting closer it was just a big rock in the middle of the road. I quickly turned my bike and went around the big rock. When Zack got around the rock he stopped in shock there was no road and it was a dead end. Nothing was there.
Zack was really, really heartbroken. He sighed and went down the hill with my bike. Tears came down slowly on my face down to the bottom of my chin and went down to the soil of dirt. Zack went down off his little bike and sat behind his bike and started crying more and more. Zack was just sitting there but then Zack heard something it was making a really, really loud sound Zack thought it was just a plane going over him Zack looked up and it was not a air plane going over him it was something else the thing was round and it had lots of lights on it I was wondering what it was I stopped crying so I don’t make any noise so if something is in there I wouldn’t get caught. It was so bright it was going to make me blind I moved away from it and I left my bike there but I was too scared to grab it but I had to because otherwise I won’t be able to ride anything. I grabbed my bike but then the big round weird ship was coming little bit to close and then it stopped I wondered why it stopped but when it stopped a beam of light came down and grabbed my bike I was still holding so I was flying up but then I quickly let it go so I wouldn’t be in the ship when the beam of light came down I just noticed that thing was a UFO!!!
And that is the story that I wrote!