Rube Goldberg Machine

Kia Ora today I will be talking about my Rube Goldberg Machine.

In my group there were 3 people in my group  [not including me] and their names were Rita, Litiane and Nargis. For our Rube Goldberg Machine we made a marble run so it would go down and then it would go in a pulley and go to the other side of the marble run. The materials that my group used were toilet rolls, cardboard, cups, wood planks, ply wood, and string and a golf ball.

For my group machine we used all of the six simple machines and what they are called is a Pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw, Wheel & Axle and the last one is Lever. Those are the six simple machines that me and my group used.

The purpose of the machine was to make the gold ball or the marble go in the cup that was the purpose of my Rube Goldberg Machine.

Have you made a Rube Goldberg Machine before????



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